He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges 他发表了一个简短隐晦的声明,否认对其间谍行为的指控。
We suggest that you create a short statement that describes what your organization will look like at that point in the future. 我们建议您创建一个简短的声明,由该声明描述了您的公司在未来是什么样的。
In an environment in which many short concurrent transactions occur, by default each COMMIT statement triggers one log buffer flush to disk. 在发生许多较短并发事务的环境中,每条COMMIT语句默认触发对磁盘的一次日志缓冲区刷新(flush)。
Con: Those who are against the objective say the short statement could pigeon-hole you if you have a few years of experience, since your skills can lead to jobs you aren't even aware of. 反面观点:那些反对写求职目标的人认为如果你已经有几年的经验,简短的求职声明会适得其反,因为你的技能会导致你去做之前想都没想过的工作。
Kensington Palace said in a short statement: 'The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their son George Alexander Louis. 肯辛顿宫发布了一份简短公告:剑桥公爵夫妇很高兴地宣布,已将他们的儿子命名为乔治亚历山大路易。
A short answer can be in the form of a statement or a question. 省略回答可采取陈述和疑问的形式。
I think before before we take a short coffee break, I would like to read a preliminary statement prepared by Prof. 我想在我们休息喝咖啡前,宣读由斯坦贝克教授和我本人准备的一篇序言性的报告。
The White House released a short statement at the end of the visit which said the two governments co-operated on many subjects, but on some issues "we will speak frankly and with respect when we disagree". 白宫方面在访问结束之际发布了一份简短声明,表示两国政府在很多问题上开展了合作,但在某些问题上“我们将在双方存在不同意见的时候以坦率而尊重的态度交谈”。
"Indicative, non-binding and highly conditional" takeover proposals are often dismissed in a short statement from the target, with an optional sprinkling of outrage over the risible offer price. “指示性、非约束性、且附带很高条件的”收购要约,往往被收购目标用一份简短的声明给拒绝掉,言辞间时常还对荒唐的报价表示愤慨。
It would be better if you boil down the facts to a short statement. 如果你把事实做简单的陈述会更好。
A short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement, a transaction, or a contract. 交易备忘录一简要的书面申明,记载有一协议交易或合同的各项条件摘要。
The short statement published by the SFO included the detail that all the suspects arrested were British nationals a hint of the difficulties borne out of a sprawling probe where at least ten authorities across the globe are vying to take action. sfo发布的简短声明包含这样一个细节,即所有被捕嫌疑人都是英国公民,这暗示了全球至少10家监管机构竞相采取行动的大范围调查中的困难。
In a short statement, Mr Yunus said he had taken the decision to avoid what he called "undue disruption" to the bank's activities following last week's Supreme Court's ruling. 在一份简短的声明中,尤努斯称,在上周最高法庭的裁决之后,他已经决定避免他所谓对银行的互动造成“不恰当的扰乱”。
The government made a short statement, which said Mugabe will study and prepare a list of new cabinet members over the weekend. The new cabinet is scheduled to take an oath of office on 26th. 政府的一项简短声明说,穆加比将在周末期间研拟新内阁名单,新内阁预定在二十六日宣誓就职。
Obama, in a short statement from the White House, thanked Clinton and the former vice-president, Al Gore, for their "extraordinary work" in securing the release of the two journalists. 在白宫发表的一份简短声明中,奥巴马向克林顿以及前副总统戈尔表示感谢,感谢他们在争取两位记者获释的过程中所做的“非凡的努力”。
Syllabus: A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved. 简要说明:在关于判决的案子报告前的简短声明,包括对法庭关于裁判要点的说明。
Meanwhile, North Korea Central News Agency also released a short statement about the upcoming visit of a special envoy of President Kim Dae-jung. 与此同时,朝鲜中央通讯社当天也发表了简短声明,称金大中总统的特使将访问朝鲜。
Draw up a short statement, demand or series of demands. 起草一份简短的陈述或诉求材料。
A formula is a short statement of a rule or general fact. 定律是一条把规则或事实说清楚的短句。
The short answer is that no concise statement can yet be made which delimits the substances that stimulate cell division in quiescent cells. 简短的答案是还没有简明的结论来规定促进静止细胞中的细胞分裂的是哪些物质。
In a short statement outside the court, Mr Assange said he was considering his next steps. 阿桑奇在法院外发表了简短的声明,称自己正考虑下一步行动。
It's very handy to have a short summary statement highlighting your strengths. 准备一个简短的小结主要强调你的优势优点将会是很有用的。
Relationship Diagrams: Write a short statement of an issue or problem on a card ( or large post-it) and stick it on a blank wall. 图表关系:在卡片上写一个争议和问题简短说明和贴在白墙上。
Officers of the company had prepared a short statement. 公司管理人员事先拟定一个简短声明。
It might be worthwhile if you took time today to write out a short statement of your faith covering the basic facts of the Gospel, making sure that you give Jesus Christ His rightful place. 我们值得花一些时间,将自己相信的一些基本福音真理写下来,以确保耶稣基督处于我们信仰的正确位置。
This is a short statement I prepared for a workshop at the National Science Foundation on qualitative research for sociologists. 这是一篇我向国家科学基金会社会学质化研究专题所提出之短篇报告。
The thesis has a short statement of development course and technical advantages of Internet advertising. 本文简述了网络广告的发展历程及其技术优势。
Voyage Data Recorder ( VDR for short) is a special instrument which could record the statement of the important equipments on the marine in real-time. 船载航行数据记录仪,简称VDR,是一种专门用于实时记录船舶航行数据的仪器。